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Acidity vs. Alkalinity: The 30 Year Great Lie

Writer's picture: mmshealthymalaysiammshealthymalaysia

Acidity vs. Alkalinity Life and Death


The Pharmaceutical industry and those that work for them , the medical people, have an agenda. They have to make billions this year and every year and most of the medical doctors have houses and boats and beautiful cars to support. So they have muddied the water concerning health in many areas and created sickness and death. Acidity and Alkalinity is one of their areas of deception. Anything they can do to help people be sick, without being caught, is what the pharmaceuticals push and not all doctors, but many of them do too. Some of them write books and pretend to be alternate health people.

But in each area that they use against man, the truth is evident and easy to find, but the Big Pharma and the medical people push the lies knowing that the vast majority of mankind will never question their lies. Although everyone knows doctors are just men, still they are revered and believed almost as if they are gods. Our Church wants to bring the facts to mankind, so the question is, will you believe them or will you take some time to check out what we say?

You may remember a few months ago when Kim Tinkham was interview by Oprah on the Oprah Winfrey's television show. Kim became famous after being questioned by Oprah concerning the Secrets movie mainly because Kim stated that the Secrets movie had encouraged her to go follow the teachings of Robert O. Young who continues to push the alkaline theory. Well it is very sad to report that Kim Tinkham has died of that breast cancer that she was trying to handle with the alkaline health theory. Because of all those who email and call me, I have known of others who died while on the alkaline health theory. [ 3 ]

Now, Mark and I want to talk to you about Acidity vs. Alkalinity. Don't believe us. We don't want you too. Check out what we say. The data is on the internet and we reference most of what we say and you can find references to most anything we say. Be careful that you don't go to sites that promote the Acid-Alkaline theory without showing you actual scientific references of their theory. Use Google and enter anything you want to look up but look for the scientific information. If you read on you will understand how the body's acid-alkaline system works and you will see that it cannot be changed. You will see how pathogens that cause disease live in the body. You will see how the actual functions and the chemistry of the body allows for only one factual truth. There simply is no way around the facts.

We are just looking to show facts and not trying to defend any certain dietary way of life. There is a lot of debate among the alternate health community in regard to regulating the pH of the body, i.e. to make it alkaline or acidic. We want to show a little bit about how amazing the body is and how exacting it remains concerning pH . The only time the body is completely alkaline is when it is dead! The reason is there is NO OXYGEN because the respiratory system has stopped.

(pH is a math figure telling if a condition is acid or alkaline. The figure 7 represents a neutral point that is neither acid nor alkaline. All figures below 7 are acid and all figures above 7 are alkaline.)

The body maintains proper pH in the blood by a complex system of Oxidation and the chemical carbonate (CO2 and other chemicals) . You will breathe out either more or less CO2, depending on whether the blood is being pushed in an alkaline or acid direction. Basically, when your blood is being led in an acidic direction, your breathing increases to release more CO2. When the system is being led in an alkaline direction, for example when one is lying down, the body can regulate by slower breathing, but mainly it will begin to add excess alkalinity to the urine. Your urine becomes alkaline in the face of excess alkaline foods. But eating a lot of alkaline foods changes nothing else. The alkalinity in the entire rest of the body does not change at all. But don't take our word for it; just follow the basics given here. It cannot be otherwise.

Each organ of your body maintains an exact pH of somewhere close to the pH of blood. There is no large variation, nothing varies more than 1% up or down. Each organ is maintained at the exact pH that is necessary to do its function in the body. This pH level cannot be changed without changing the function of the organ.

The body works hard to maintain a normal blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45, a fairly tight range. And pretty much nothing you do is going to change that. So you can't really acidify or alkalize your body. Your body requires a rather tight pH in the blood (and equally tight, though slightly varying pH in other systems). If you acidify or alkalize your blood, you will quickly run into some serious issues, regardless of which way you take it, that is if you could, but you simply can't acidify or alkalize your blood as the body prevents that from happening.

It doesn't change things when you eat highly alkaline foods or when you eat highly acid foods. Your upper and lower stomach works on the foods and adds hydrochloric acid until all of the alkaline is neutralized and becomes acidic and is broken down for digestion and until the acid foods are broken down as well. You simply cannot make your stomach alkaline. This is nature at work making it so that you can eat almost any kind of food and still survive.

There are probably 100 sites that tell us that the blood must be maintained at a pH of between 7.35 and 7.45 (see next paragraph for explanation of pH). That is a well-known fact. Nobody or no site disputes this because there is too much science behind that data. There are probably that many sites that will also talk about how the blood must be maintained at an acid-alkaline balance and that it is important that you eat to maintain that balance.

This is where they show that they do not know what they are talking about .

There is no acid-alkaline balance of the blood. (pH is the measurement of acidity- alkalinity of liquids. The neutral point of pH is 7. Below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline.) Again, look it up, just put pH in the search engine (Google or others). [ 1 ] The blood is not maintained at an acid-alkaline balanced condition but rather at the alkaline figure of 7.4 and it can change only .05 pH up or down; that's less than 1%. And it stays that way no matter what you eat. [ 4 ] You cannot change it by eating anything, except maybe some kind of poison, but in that case you would be dead. And if you did create an acid-alkaline balance in the blood you would be dead in minutes. An acid-alkaline balance is where the blood would have acidity balanced against alkalinity. In other words the blood would have to be maintained at exactly 7. That is the only point where there is acidity on one side and alkalinity on the other side giving you an acid-alkaline balance. But again, if the blood were reduced to pH 7 it would kill you or make you awful sick. [ 5 ][ 2 ]

You see, the blood is still alkaline on both sides of pH 7.4. For example, 7.2 which is below 7.4 is still an alkaline pH number. And so would the number 7.1 also be alkaline. Likewise 7.5 which is above 7.4 would also be alkaline. So the blood is maintained at an exact slightly alkaline pH of 7.4 and there is no acid here that would create an acid-alkaline balance. It is not balanced against acidity at all. [Again just put blood pH into any search engine.]

Hypochlorous acid , (not the same as stomach acid) which is that acid that the body creates to kill diseases, is ineffective at anything higher than pH of 8, but that is rather a moot point as the body never gets to a pH of 8. However hypochlorous acid still works at the alkaline level of the blood, which is pH 7.4, and it works on all the lower pH levels of the body. Actually, hypochlorous acid works best at the lower pH levels below 7. [ 6 ] MMS works from the alkaline pH level of 8 and down to the lowest acid pH level in the body.

Remember acids and alkalinity are opposites and they destroy one another. But tell me what thing in the body would you change to an alkaline pH or make it more alkaline ? Remember everything below 7 is acidic. The saliva is normally acidic but it can be changed by what you eat to alkaline for a few minutes, the stomach is 4 to 6.5 pH, the lower stomach is 1.5 to 4 pH, the small intestines are 4 to 6 pH except when you eat something and when the food enters the small intestines the pancreas releases an enzyme that changes the food to alkaline (above 7). So that always happens, but by the time the waste gets to the large intestines (the colon) it is again acidic. The small intestines are again acidic as soon as the waste passes through and the food is adsorbed into the body. [ 7 ]

So, all of these would quit working if you forced them to be alkaline including the small intestines. So what are we going to make alkaline or more alkaline? In the alkaline theory if you have cancer you can kill it with alkali. But you can't change the blood so how are you going to get the alkaline stuff to the cancer. You can drink alkaline water and stuff baking soda down until your digestive system quits working, but you still won't change the pH of the blood. So you see? The logic just isn't there. The blood, the skin, the body tissues and every organ is fixed at a certain pH and you just can't change them by eating differently, and if you could change them, you just might kill yourself. Nature made the body that way, the pH of each organ is what it is supposed to be to do its job and the automatic system of the body maintains it that way. [ 8 ] [ 9 ]

You could use intravenous (IV) injection to have your veins carry the baking soda (alkalinity) to the cancer if you so desired, but the baking soda doesn't make your blood alkaline. The baking soda doesn't penetrate the red blood cells or the white blood cells. But we have heard where the cancer was injected with baking soda and it help overcome the cancer. We wouldn't say don't try. But when putting baking soda into the veins, be sure you know exactly what you are doing because you can kill someone by using baking soda in the veins. It causes bubbles in the blood that can kill you. The millions of little bubbles that baking soda creates to cause the cake to rise, can also cause problems with the blood.

The pH of the skin and tissues is about the same as blood, and why wouldn't they be, they are serviced by the blood. The organs of the body maintain a pH of about the same as blood or very close to blood. Everything is either alkaline, the same as the blood, but no more than 1% different than the blood and the body maintains it that way, except of course the digestive system which is mostly acidic. It must remain acidic as it will not work otherwise. The fact is all of the body except the digestive system is slightly alkaline already, and it cannot be changed. [ 8 ] [ 9 ]

So you can eat vegetables, eat meat, drink Coke, smoke a cigarette, and have an ice cream sundae and you will not change the pH of the blood one iota nor anything else in the body except the urine. Your body must work using different things to maintain this slightly alkaline blood condition and that can change the pH of your urine, and the amount of carbon dioxide that you breathe out. When your urine changes to alkaline that merely indicates the body is off-loading things that are too alkaline for the body. The opposite is true when you breathe out more carbon dioxide. And you can change the pH of your saliva by what you eat. So no one has proven that changing the pH of the saliva will affect blood or any other condition in the body, in fact it has proven the opposite. So when you change the urine to alkaline that means only that by eating alkaline items you have eaten so much that the body can no longer handle all the alkalinity that you are eating and it must off load some alkaline material.


The stomach is so powerfully acidic that it makes everything acid. It doesn't matter how many alkaline vegetables you eat your stomach is still going to dissolve and make them acidic. Then at the beginning of the small intestines the pancreas will release an enzyme that changes the acidic condition of all food to alkalinity. This same thing, the change to alkalinity, also happens to the acidic food as well. Nothing escapes the alkalinity conversion as all food must be slightly alkaline in order to be adsorbed by the body. This is required in order to be carried into the blood because the blood is slightly alkaline. But the alkaline condition of the waste material is changed back to an acid condition by the time the waste reaches the colon (lower intestines). [ 8 ] [ 9 ]

Oxygen is breathed in every minute of every day of our entire lives and that oxygen keeps us alive through oxidation. It is what generates the warmth of our body and kills many of the pathogens that seek to kill us. It destroys the poisons generated by various body functions, and kills some of the heavy metals that prevent the proper function of our bodies. But, of course, oxygen isn't the only thing that kills harmful things. The acid in our stomach, the digestive hydrochloric acid, kills by far more harmful bacteria and pathogens than any other thing in our bodies. All that we eat and drink goes through our stomach and thus is treated by the hydrochloric acid there. And again, nothing we eat can change the acid condition in our stomach. A handful of antacid tablets might change the acid condition for a few minutes, but not long, and you would have to eat quite a lot.

Then we would not live long without hypochlorous acid, (Note, this is different than hydrochloric acid), it is an acid that our body generates to kill those diseases and harmful pathogens that slip through into various parts of our body. We could not live very long without this acid. But hypochlorous acid is ineffective at a pH of more than pH 8. So you see (even though it isn't possible) we cannot afford to take the body to a very highly alkaline condition because the acid that continuously kills those diseases that would otherwise kill us becomes inactive at an alkaline condition.

Andreas in Spain and we here on this side of the ocean have proven that when you bring the pH of a MMS or CDS solution up towards 7 you begin to weaken the oxidation qualities quickly. So we never bring the pH up to 7, or higher until it goes into the body and then it will be subjected to the 7.4 pH of the blood and body. At that time it is effective against all pathogens that might be in the blood and tissues and digestive system for about 1.5 hours. As given above, hypochlorous acid is effective as high as the pH in the body goes. So you see both hypochlorous acid and MMS work at the low pH of the digestive system, and they are also effective against the entire rest of the body. This is only because all of the organs such as the heart and liver, and other parts of the body never go above the 7.4 pH plus 1%. Nothing in the entire body ever goes above pH of 7.4 plus 1% which would be 7.474 pH . [ 10 ]

There is, however, the stomach that does go downward in pH as low as 1.0 Both the natural hypochlorous acid and MMS will work over the entire range of the body pH from 1 to 7.474.

Do you begin to see how crazy the acid-alkaline theory is? You cannot change the pH of the body by eating special foods or vegetables or meat. This is just the way nature made the body to prevent foods from changing the body's pH level. The functions of the various organs are critical. They simply cannot function at other pH levels, meaning they cannot function in a more alkaline condition than nature set them to function. You can change the urine as the body changes the urine to keep the blood at the correct pH level. Hundreds of sites tell you the blood must maintain an acid-alkaline balance, something that would actually kill you. It is only because there are thousands of people that believe anything that the medical doctors write that we wind up with really wrong data. People believe them and then use their data to write books and make up web sites.

Hundreds of sites say that you must alkalize. They are wrong, but be careful, because the fact that the blood does not change does not mean you will stay healthy eating an unhealthy diet. Just because the blood pH does not change, you will not be kept healthy when eating the wrong things. You need to eat a proper diet. Once again there are those who try to sell unhealthy theories to the world by deception. It would be nice if all you had to do to remain healthy was eat an alkaline diet. Once again the medical people can and do make billions treating people who get sick on this diet.

Now here is something you can check. I can't give you the reference for it because there is no reference. And that is you can check to see if there ever has been a clinical trial of any kind checking the work ability for the acid-alkaline theory. In the more than 30 years that this theory has been pushed by alternate medicine teachers, there never has been a clinical trial, much less any trial showing that it works. Spend some time, use a good search engine, no trials exist.

Do you understand why there has never been a clinical trial concerning the acid-alkaline theory? The theory has been around for about 30 years and still no clinical trials. As I said above the alkaline or acid condition of the body cannot be changed without killing the body. There is no way to do a test. Eat all the alkaline stuff you want, nothing but the urine is going to change and the saliva can only change for a short while. But you definitely will be able to change the urine to alkaline by eating a lot of alkaline stuff. That only proves that the body must off load some alkaline stuff to keep from having too great an excess of alkalinity.

Now about the idea that pathogens cannot live in alkaline environments : I am sure you understand that the theory that disease causing microbes cannot live in an alkaline environment is the whole basis for the acid-alkaline theory. The scientific word alkaliphile refers to microbes that live at high alkaline environments. If you go to Google and put in the search line, alkaliphile microbes you will get a result of more than 72,000 pages listed. [Google alkaliphile microbes.] Starting at the very top you can read about microbes that can live in alkaline environments. But they cannot live in your body as they live at pH 9 and above , and nothing in your body ever even reaches 8 much less 9. So they will never affect you as your entire body will always remain within 1% of 7.4 pH except for the urine. I just wanted you to know about them so you would know bacteria and microbes of all kinds do live in highly alkaline environments. [ 11 ]

The microbes that do exist in the alkaline environment of the body are called neutrophile microbes ( not the same as neutrophil white blood cells ) and they can survive at a pH of 6 to 8. There are hundreds if not thousands of disease-causing microbes that can live in an alkaline environments such as the body. Remember though, the body never goes to pH 8, nor does it go down to 6, but this is not important as these microbes will remain alive and in good health at the body's 7.4 pH with no trouble. Thousands of disease causing microbes can live at most any pH from 6 to 8. Your body makes an ideal environment for all neutrophile (disease causing) microbes. I might mention a couple of these diseases. There is Leukemia and Lymphoma that are blood cancers. Both of these diseases exist just fine at the 7.4 pH of the blood. If you wanted to kill these diseases using pH you would have to raise the pH of the body well above 8 which cannot be done without killing you. The acidic-alkaline theory's basic idea is that disease causing microbes cannot live at an alkaline condition,

but just the opposite is true for all neutrophile microbes, which is all disease causing microbes . All these disease causing microbes can live at the alkaline pH of the body just fine.

I hope you understand this point as it is totally opposite to the acid-alkaline theory .

You shouldn't need a reference concerning the fact that Leukemia and Lymphoma live at a pH of 7.4. They are blood cancers. They have to live at pH 7.4 as the blood is the only thing that is available to them, and they live just fine and kill or in some way destroy their host. [ 12 ] [ 13 ]

Again, the body pH remains within less than 1% of 7.4 and all of the neutrophile microbes including disease causing microbes can survive OK at that pH. So your only natural hope is that the Hypochlorous acid created by the body will kill all of the disease causing microbes that have survived to this point. But the body often doesn't have enough Hypochlorous acid, especially if the disease already has a foot hold.

Fortunately you can now use MMS1 or you can add some Hypochlorous acid with MMS2. Then if you follow the protocol of hourly doses you will destroy these diseases, whatever they might be. Of course there are the various antibiotics that might be used, but diseases are rapidly developing resistance to antibiotics. The diseases cannot develop a resistance to MMS1 (chlorine dioxide) or MMS2 (the same acid that your body uses to kill diseases). So your answer would be to go to,, or and follow the hourly dose Protocol that fits your disease which would be protocol 1000 or 2000 to start, DMSO and so forth. There are also a host of other minor protocols that can be added as needed.

Emotional responses : In many places on the Internet where acid-alkaline is explained with reasonable scientific data and references, there are sometimes places to leave a comment, and there will be comments made with a great deal of emotion. The same is true about vegetarianism and most religions. It seems that these subjects are going to be believed by those who are determined to believe them. We have attempted to bring you the facts along with references that you can check, but it looks like you are going to have to determine what you are going to believe. Hopefully you will look for the facts. We are just here to help you, but if you don't want to be helped that is certainly your right.

MMS has spread across the world to more than 100 countries in only about 7 years. More than 500 people from around the world have traveled thousands of miles to learn and become ministers of MMS. Most areas where MMS is used there is no argument about whether it works or not. The reason is because there are a lot of well people around that wouldn't otherwise be around. The acid-alkaline theory has been around for a good deal more than 30 years and if it really worked there wouldn't be dead believers like Kim Tinkham who followed the acidic-alkaline theory of Robert O. Young, as I mentioned earlier in this article. In fact, if the acidic-alkaline theory worked we really wouldn't need MMS.

If you go to Young's web site you will see that he is extremely good at using dozens if not hundreds of great big medical terms, but that doesn't mean he is right, or that he knows what he is talking about. I'd like to point out that people who explain their theory to normal people don't have to use big scientific medical terms that none of us understand. They only use such big terms when they think they are snowing you or really don't understand the terms either. Young and many others claim that this theory explains all disease. If that is the case in 30+ years it should have gotten to the public. Don't you think there would be more than 500 ministers of the acidic-alkaline theory treating people around the world by now? (14,15,16)

  1. So, to sum it all up :

The Human Body is slightly alkaline, (7.35 - 7.45 pH) in every system, the blood, the body tissues, the brain, the skin, everything except the digestive system that works from slightly to strongly acidic. This is how it is and these are facts! It doesn't matter how many people have written books stating how the body can be alkalized to bring health, the scientific facts simply show that changing the alkalinity more than a tiny fraction would kill you. The science of neutrophile disease causing microbes proves that an alkaline environment will not harm them, but rather is what they need to survive.

References :

  1. pH explained and reaction of hypochlorous action according to pH of the solution

  2. The pH of Blood. On the internet go to Google or any search engine and put in for the search The pH of Blood. You will get many answers but they will all be the same.

  3. Kim Tinkham “ See and many other sites on the web.

  4. Blood, Sweat, and Buffers; Acid-Base Equilibra Experiment by Rachel Casiday and Regina Frey Department of Chemistry, Washington University St. Louis, MO 63130

  5. Blood Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

  6. hypochlorous acid is effective from 7.4 down to the lower acid levels that are found in the body.

  7. Digestive System and pH Level. This article is well documented giving 24 research papers showing pH level of the entire digestive system and it shows that the stomach is highly acid and the small upper intestines are alkaline.

  8. Body uses CO2 to create bicarbonate in the blood maintain the pH.

  9. pH of body fluids, and organs are tightly regulated in a process called acid-base homeostasis.

  10. More data

  11. Alkaline pH Homeostasis in Bacteria: New Insights

  12. Please note that neutrophiles are hard to find because the spelling only adds an "e" at the end the word neutrophil, but this is the link to one of many web sites explaining neutropiles as disease causing microbes.

  13. .html another web site describing neutrophiles. Note: neutrophils are white blood cells. Note that the only difference in spelling is the “e” at the end of the word that indicates microorganisms.

  14. more acidic-alkaline theory

  15. more acid-alkaline theory

  16. more acid-alkaline theory

Written by Archbishop Jim Humble Aided by Archbishop Mark Grenon

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