DMSO – Topical Application
Source: MMS Health Recovery Guidebook by Jim Humble, October 2016 edition
DMSO—Allergy Test
Very, very few people, usually those with weak livers, are allergic to DMSO. To check
whether or not you are allergic perform this test:
Use plain water (do not use soap) and wash and dry a spot on your arm. (Just above or
below the elbow works well.)
Add 1 drop of DMSO (with a clean finger) to the spot on your arm and rub it in.
Give the DMSO about 15 minutes to soak in and allow the area to dry.
If there is no pain in your liver area within 24 hours, it is probably safe for you to use
DMSO, which will be the case for 999 out of 1000 people.
Since MMS heals the liver, if you have already been taking MMS for more than a
week your liver will probably tolerate DMSO with no problem.
If you do experience pain in the liver after applying DMSO, I suggest you work on
improving the condition of your liver by doing the MMS Starting Procedure, then
Protocol 1000, and the liver balancing and strengthening tea for 2 weeks. Then continue
the DMSO protocol with the testing again.
If you are already on a protocol and have a bad reaction to DMSO, simply continue with
the protocol and after a few days repeat the same test again, and it should show
tolerance to DMSO. If you fail the test a second time, continue with the protocol and try
the test every couple of days until you pass it. *There has never been a report of DMSO
doing any kind of permanent damage to a human since it was discovered.*
DMSO—Safety Precautions
DMSO is a solvent, and easily passes through the skin and into the tissues. It will also
carry other substances along with it, so be careful what you have on the skin before
handling DMSO. DMSO Benefits & Uses 6 of 6
If applying DMSO topically, be sure your hands and nails are clean and free from
contaminants (including soap residue) when handling DMSO. You want to also be sure
the area to which you apply DMSO (skin) is clean.
When washing an area of the skin before applying DMSO, it is best, if possible, to use
natural, chemical-free soap to wash application areas and hands. Whether this is
available or not, be sure any soap is completely rinsed off—or use no soap at all.
Simply wash well (rubbing the skin) with clean water.
The best method to apply DMSO to the skin is simply to use clean dry bare hands when
rubbing the DMSO into your body or on someone else.
If using bare hands to apply DMSO, do not wear finger nail polish. DMSO is a solvent
that will not only dissolve the polish, but will also carry its toxic ingredients through the
skin and into the body. You can cover your hand in a plastic sandwich bag to apply the DMSO.
After handling DMSO, never wash it off with soap as it can carry the soap into the
skin/tissues. Simply rinse the hands well with clean water.
Do not use most common gloves (rubber, latex, etc.) with DMSO. It can dissolve the
gloves. Even dissolving a tiny bit of the gloves can then transfer the rubber or latex into
your body. Gloves made of non-stretchable plastic are OK to use with DMSO. Normally
DMSO will not hurt one’s hands, and gloves are not needed. (If applying frequently or in
large amounts for some skin types it may cause the skin to become wrinkly, but this
soon passes.)