Since the beginning of this pandemic, a powerful and ruthless entity has
been distorting and suppressing the information about a very effective,
save, simple, and cheap substance for preventing and treating COVID-19.
COMUSAV (Coalición Mundial Salud y Vida/World Health and Life Coalition) is a
nonprofit global coalition of physicians, scientists, therapists, lawyers, and other
professionals that aims to save lives and to end the COVID-19 pandemic with CDS.
As of March 2021, COMUSAV was present in 25 countries with over 5,000 physicians
using CDS – with a high effectiveness in treating COVID-19 patients and no adverse
side effects whatsoever.
Viral Outbreak and Disease – Truth, Freedom, and Health (PDF ebook) Location: The attachment (Viral Outbreak and Disease.pdf) is the ebook.
If you don't receive the attachment, you can download from here:
Below is the Table of Contents:
Truth, Freedom, and Health
Part One – Truth
1.1 The Truth about Chlorine Dioxide and Big Pharma & Partners
1.2 Disinformation and Suppression against MMS and CDS
Part Two – Freedom
2.1 Make 28% Master Mineral Solution (MMS)
2.2 Make 25% Sodium Chlorite Solution (SCS)
2.3 Make 4% Hydrochloric Acid Solution (HAS)
2.4 Make 50% Citric Acid Solution (CAS)
2.5 Make 3,000-ppm Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)
Part Three – Health
3.1 CDS Protocols for Viral Outbreak and Disease
3.2 Maintain a Strong Immune System
A: Important Facts on MMS
B: Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide
C: Clinical Study of Chlorine Dioxide
D: Treaties on Chlorine Dioxide
E: Donations in US Politics
F: Crimes against Humanity: Big Pharma & Partners
G: Crimes against Humanity: Chinese Communist Party
H: Join the Resistance
I: Clinical Trial of CDS
J: Bolivia Endorses CDS
K: Drugs vs Dilute CDS
L: The Game Changer
M: Freedom of Speech
N: Global Health Revolution
O: Quotations on Revolution
P: Recommended Books
Q: Recommended Videos
R: Recommended Websites
S: How to Share this Ebook
T: Earn Good Deed Points
U: Recommended Videos List
V: Terms and Abbreviations
Please share the lifesaving ebook far and wide to help save lives, help end the
COVID-19 pandemic, and help spread the truth about Chlorine Dioxide and CDS.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours truly,
COMUSAV Supporter (use Google translator to translate the website.)